BONCHURCH FLOWER FESTIVAL – This weekend, June 5th – 7th

Bonchurch Flower Festival runs from Friday June 5th to Sunday June 7th.  Both the Parish Church and the Old Church (rebuilt in 1070) will be decorated.  The theme for the Parish Church is the sad romantic story that inspired the Willow Pattern design and for the Old Church Psalm 150.  The Churches will be open on Friday and Saturday from 10am – 5pm and on Sunday from 12.30 – 5pm.  Coffees light lunches and teas will be served through out the festival in the Parish Church and grounds.  All proceeds will be divided between the Hospice and the two churches.

On Sunday the Bishop of Portsmouth will be coming to say prayers in the Old Church at 5.30pm, followed by blessing the well at 5.45pm and Evensong in the Parish Church at 6pm.

The Flowers have been arranged by members of the Ventnor Flower Arrangement Club, the Island Flower Club and Northwood Floral Art Club, St Catherine’s Church, Niton Parish Church and various other talented ladies.

Quintisle are given a concert in the Parish Church on Friday June 5th at 7.30.
Entry is free with a retiring collection. Refreshments will be available.