Next Steps for Helen and the Five Churches

The Reverend Helen O’Sullivan is appointed Chaplain of St Paul’s Cathedral.

It has been a most particular and rewarding privilege to serve as your parish priest these last four years. Jonathan and I have felt very much at home with you all, and there is a great deal that we will miss.

For some this will seem to soon, for others perhaps not soon enough! It came as a surprise to me. I was not looking for another job and expected to be here with you all for a while yet, but this new role came out of the blue and it will allow me to focus my time and energy on the areas of ministry in which I flourish, and through which I believe I have the most to offer.

Each of our parish churches has renewed partnerships within the communities they serve. I am extremely pleased to have been able to play a part in encouraging these developments alongside a good many other people of vision and commitment, both within the church family, and the wider community.

More and more people are making more of the sacred and life-giving space that the parish churches offer and more and more of our young people, in particular through our links with the school and uniformed organisations, have a relationship with the church that they value.

And most importantly we have a diverse and growing group of people willing to use their time and energy to enable others to experience God’s love for them and presence with them through Lay Ministry in all its different forms.

I’m not leaving yet – there will be time to review and to plan and, in time, to say farewell.

For now, with love

Read the article on St Paul’s Cathedral by clicking on this link,