Prayer Picnic Pentecost Sunday 9th June at Portchester Castle

20 days to go until
The Big Prayer Picnic:
Here’s 5 things you need to know

It is wonderful to hear of so many prayer events for ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ this year across the Portsmouth Diocese from May 30th to June 8th, before we all meet to pray and celebrate together in 20 days on Pentecost Sunday 9th June at Portchester Castle. Here’s 5 things you need to know for that event!

  1. FOOD
    We are delighted to announce that St Mary’s Portchester will be running a very reasonably-priced event BBQ with burgers, hot dogs and drinks on sale. There’s more available in their tea rooms, too. Otherwise we would love you to bring your own picnic. Rugs, chairs and hampers also welcome!
    To get the most out of the event and for smoother access we recommend you arrive as early as you can for the 1pm soft rolling start. You are really welcome on site from 12:30pm onwards, but please note that nothing will be open until 1pm. The main worship and prayer event will start at 2:30pm and the family attractions will close at this point.
    There is space for 1000 cars to park! Our car park stewards will direct you from Castle Road to the recreation field that leads right up the castle. There is space for 30 blue badge holders in the paddock directly outside of the main gate.
    1pm to 2:30pm – The big prayer picnic with fun for families and a variety of prayer tents encompassing the full spectrum of Christian tradition for adults and children alike. The family fun will include a rodeo bull challenge, jousting and a wipe out challenge, crazy golf, face painting, and ‘Spirit in Sport’ will be running a sports zone.
    2:30pm to 4pm – The main prayer and worship event drawing us all together as one, praying in a range of styles for people to come to know Jesus Christ, and for God’s Kingdom to come in every sphere of life as we model Jesus’ desire that we would be one. The prayer tents will remain open for this time, too.
    Please pray for the event over the next 20 days and ask God to show you 5 people you know, who you could pray for to know the love of God in Christ Jesus for the first time, ready for our ‘Prayer you can wear – Pray for 5’ time in the main prayer event.

For more questions answered do go to our FAQ website page or  or by ringing 023 9289 9676. 

We are so looking forward to seeing you there!